NN Models

Models are in the src/models/ folder of the repository. For each model, there is a struct that is a subtype of NCFModel. The constructor ensures the proper folder_name member parameter setting.

Generalized Matrix Factorization

DotProductModel(df_train, df_test, embeddings_size, flux_model)

Recommender system based on Generalized Matrix Factorization: 2 Embedding layers with a dot product. Sizes of both embedding layers depend on a number of movies and on a number of users respectively.


  • df_train::DataFrame: Training set to be learnt on.
  • df_test::DataFrame: Testing set to be learnt on.
  • emb_size::Int64: Size of a single embedding vector for one user or for one movie.
  • model::Chain: Flux.jl Chain object representing the NN.
  • folder_name::String: Assigned to dot_product_ncf in the constructor automatically.



Multi Layer Perceptron

MLPSimilarityModel(df_train::DataFrame, df_test::DataFrame, emb_size::Int64, model::Chain)

Recommender system based on Multi Layer Perceptron: concatenate 2 Embedding layers and pass the result to the MLP. Sizes of both embedding layers depend on a number of movies and on a number of users respectively.


  • df_train::DataFrame: Training set to be learnt on.
  • df_test::DataFrame: Testing set to be learnt on.
  • emb_size::Int64: Size of a single embedding vector for one user or for one movie.
  • model::Chain: Flux.jl Chain object representing the NN.
  • folder_name::String: Assigned to mlp_similarity_ncf in the constructor automatically.



Combination of GMF and MLP similarity

GMFAndMLPModel(df_train::DataFrame, df_test::DataFrame, emb_size::Int64, model::Chain)

Recommender system based on a combination of Generalized Matrix Factorization and Multi Layer Perceptron similarity. Sizes of both embedding layers depend on a number of movies and on a number of users respectively.


  • df_train::DataFrame: Training set to be learnt on.
  • df_test::DataFrame: Testing set to be learnt on.
  • emb_size::Int64: Size of a single embedding vector for one user or for one movie.
  • model::Chain: Flux.jl Chain object representing the NN.
  • folder_name::String: Assigned to gmf_and_mlp_ncf in the constructor automatically.



build_model() function

"Wrapper" function build_model() uses Julia's multiple dispatch to create a neural network model based on the type of arguments:

build_model(x::Type{DotProductModel}, df_train::DataFrame, df_test::DataFrame; embeddings_size=50, share_embeddings=nothing)

Constructs and returns an instance of DotProductModel using training and testing data sizes along with specified model parameters.


  • x::Type{DotProductModel}: The type of the model to be created. Multiple dispatch allows to define build_model for every model type differently.
  • df_train::DataFrame: The training data frame. Used to get the size of the embedding layers based on the numbers of movies and users.
  • df_test::DataFrame: The testing data frame. Same as df_train.
  • embeddings_size::Int=50 (optional): The size of the embedding vectors for both users and movies.
  • share_embeddings::Any=nothing (optional): Redundant here. Used in GMFAndMLPModel.


DotProductModel: An instance of DotProductModel with the initialized Flux Chain.


m = build_model(DotProductModel, df_train, df_test, embeddings_size=60)
build_model(x::Type{MLPSimilarityModel}, df_train::DataFrame, df_test::DataFrame; embeddings_size=50)

Constructs and returns an instance of MLPSimilarityModel using training and testing data sizes along with specified model parameters.


  • x::Type{MLPSimilarityModel}: The type of the model to be created. Multiple dispatch allows to define build_model for every model type differently.
  • df_train::DataFrame: The training data frame. Used to get the size of the embedding layers based on the numbers of movies and users.
  • df_test::DataFrame: The testing data frame. Same as df_train.
  • embeddings_size::Int=50 (optional): The size of the embedding vectors for both users and movies.
  • share_embeddings::Any=nothing (optional): Redundant here. Used in GMFAndMLPModel.


MLPSimilarityModel: An instance of MLPSimilarityModel with the initialized Flux Chain.


m = build_model(MLPSimilarityModel, df_train, df_test, embeddings_size=60)
build_model(x::Type{GMFAndMLPModel}, df_train::DataFrame, df_test::DataFrame; embeddings_size=50, share_embeddings=false)

Constructs and returns an instance of GMFAndMLPModel using training and testing data sizes along with specified model parameters.


  • x::Type{GMFAndMLPModel}: The type of the model to be created. Multiple dispatch allows to define build_model for every model type differently.
  • df_train::DataFrame: The training data frame. Used to get the size of the embedding layers based on the numbers of movies and users.
  • df_test::DataFrame: The testing data frame. Same as df_train.
  • embeddings_size::Int=50 (optional): The size of the embedding vectors for both users and movies.
  • share_embeddings::Bool=false: If set true, the embeddings will be shared between the GMF and MLP parts of the model. Otherwise, two separate sets of embeddings (4 Embedding layers in total).


GMFAndMLPModel: An instance of GMFAndMLPModel with the initialized Flux Chain.


m = build_model(model_type, df_train, df_test, embeddings_size=60, share_embeddings=true)